>while a descriptive history is good, it takes a lot of extra work
>to generate.

i've rarely found per-change histories to be any more useful than most other 
comments, i'm afraid.
you'd hope it would answer "what was he thinking?" but i found either it was 
obvious or i still had to ask.
still, perhaps it could be regarded as an aid to future computer 
archaeologists, after
all shared context has been lost.

the intention of things like /CHANGES is mainly to point out moderate to large 
changes (eg, if you've
been waiting for a bug fix or there's a significant change to usage or 
it isn't intended to give details or rationale of the fix, any more than there 
is any of that for the
original code, really.  perhaps literate programming will fix that if it ever 
takes off.
(the set of people that write good descriptions and the set of people that 
write good code
don't necessarily have a big intersection.)  for larger additions or changes i 
sometimes wrote
short notes giving the background, the changes/additions and the rationale for 
ranging from the equivalent of a long e-mail to a several-page paper. that 
worked quite
well, but was somewhat more work.

also useful for compilers are links to bug demonstration programs and 
regression tests.

the advantage of dump and snap is that the scope is the whole system: including 
emails, discussion documents,
the code, supporting tools -- everything in digital form.  if software works 
differently today
compared to yesterday, then 

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