On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 5:37 AM, erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:
>> > arm has virtualization?
>> Some do.
>> ARMs are so cheap ... don't jail things, just get another one.
> i wasn't aware of that.
> so for my arm http/ftp server, you suggest one physical cpu
> for each http/ftp connection?  how do i route the connections?

maybe you could hire one of those old Bell System operators to move
phone jacks around. Not sure on that one :-)

If you want what a jail does, I still think there are better ways on
ARM, esp. watching this conversation:
- something the equivalent of user mode linux
- or run a plan 9 kernel per http, under something like 9vx
- or something like lguest or other paravirt support

Just looking at all the mods people want for jails, these almost seem
like less work.


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