>> What's the use of copying arenas to CD/DVD?  Is it purely
>> back up, since they have to stay on-line forever?

> people who back up to cd/dvd can answer that :)

My venti, which backs a fossil used by 70 student accounts, of
which five are currently "active", fills arenas *very* slowly.
I burn the newest arena to one of two CD-RW's every week or so,
and when an arena fills I burn it and all the previous ones to
CD-R (nobody knows how long CD-R's last, because by the time
you can do a longevity study the dyes have all changed).  At
the end of most semesters I burn just the most recent arena
to CD-R even though it's not full.

Off-site I have a small stack of CD-R's, total cost maybe $5.
The two CD-RW's set me back around $3 each, a couple years ago
when they were more expensive.

This wouldn't be fun for somebody generating lots of of new
data, but then again I'm not hosting a Debian mirror, and 
this way I'd still have *something* even after a machine room
flood or EMP event.

Dave Eckhardt

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