On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 14:12, Roman V. Shaposhnik <r...@sun.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-01-26 at 23:09 -0800, Russ Cox wrote:
>> > Do you enjoy mouse editing? May be I'm just an old
>> > TTY junkie, but for me mouse is a device that lets me
>> > switch between Xterms with screens(1) in them ;-)
>> This particular topic has been discussed to death in the past.
> It sure was ;-) But...
>> Forsyth had a particularly lucid summary of a study by Tognazzi
>> showing that mouse editing was faster but that keyboard editing
>> felt faster:
> ... I've seen this study and I tend to believe it. But there's a gotcha:
> the kind of work that I and other software engineers do with computers
> is almost orthogonal to what the study was focusing on. I don't believe
> anybody else, but engineers, spend the majority of time dealing with
> text.

Who do you think Plan 9 was designed for and by?

Maybe you should try using the system without all your preconceived
notions of what should and should not be.

Christopher Nielsen
"They who can give up essential liberty for temporary
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --Benjamin Franklin

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