erik wrote:
> i'm not sure i understand.  either you have the key (score)
> and you can decrypt the whole cyphertext (read the file tree
> below), or you don't.  assuming of course that scores are too
> hard to guess.  so the solution is: don't give out the root score.

my read on the utility of rog's proposal is that you could then
pre-exchange the crypto key via secure channel (real live handoff or
whatnot) and then send root scores around freely over things like
email. unauthorized parties reading your email then don't get your
venti data.

the scheme has the advantage of being minimally intrusive, but it does
seem to be like putting the fix in the wrong place. i'd rather see an
authenticated connection mechanism, which would likely require more
changes (how do you store accounts and credentials? how do you feed
them to things like a fossil at boot?), but would have the same
benefits and more (i'd like to provide some clients read-only access,
for example).

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