> 2009/3/17 erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net>:
> > it is unreasonable to expect to be able to generate tokens
> > that are bigger than 8k.
> i'm not sure i agree. they're not just tokens, they're strings,
> and there are lots of reasons why one might wish to
> have a string longer than 8k read from a file. i've certainly done so
> in inferno's sh, which doesn't have this restriction.

you win.

couple of notes -
* same changes to haven't fork, omitted for clarity
* erealloc should be in subr.c and declared in rc.h
   and should be supported by Realloc in (plan9
   unix win32)^.c
* there are two other calls to realloc that should
   be addressed, too.
* the if guarding efree prevents a "free 0" whine.

havefork.c:67,81 - /n/dump/2009/0316/sys/src/cmd/rc/havefork.c:67,72
- char*
- erealloc(char *p, long n)
- {
-       p = realloc(p, n);              /* botch, should be Realloc */
-       if(p==0)
-               panic("Can't realloc %d bytes\n", n);
-       return p;
- }
   * Who should wait for the exit from the fork?
havefork.c:82,89 - /n/dump/2009/0316/sys/src/cmd/rc/havefork.c:73,81
-       int c, l;
-       char *s, *wd, *ewd, *stop;
+       char wd[8193];
+       int c;
+       char *s, *ewd=&wd[8192], *stop;
        struct io *f;
        var *ifs = vlook("ifs");
        word *v, *nextv;
havefork.c:108,127 - /n/dump/2009/0316/sys/src/cmd/rc/havefork.c:100,115
                f = openfd(pfd[PRD]);
-               s = wd = ewd = 0;
+               s = wd;
                v = 0;
                while((c = rchr(f))!=EOF){
-                       if(s==ewd){
-                               l = s-wd;
-                               wd = erealloc(wd, l+100);
-                               ewd = wd+l+100-1;
-                               s = wd+l;
+                       if(strchr(stop, c) || s==ewd){
+                               if(s!=wd){
+                                       *s='\0';
+                                       v = newword(wd, v);
+                                       s = wd;
+                               }
-                       if(strchr(stop, c) && s!=wd){
-                               *s='\0';
-                               v = newword(wd, v);
-                               s = wd;
-                       }
                        else *s++=c;
havefork.c:128,135 - /n/dump/2009/0316/sys/src/cmd/rc/havefork.c:116,121
                        v = newword(wd, v);
-               if(wd)
-                       efree(wd);
                Waitfor(pid, 0);
                /* v points to reversed arglist -- reverse it onto argv */

- erik

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