On Mon Mar 30 17:28:36 EDT 2009, vmh...@verizon.net wrote:
> All -
> I have been running an all-in-one server on a VMware server virtual 
> machine on my Windows laptop.
> After executing a 'pull' this morning, the server crashed and I have not 
> been able to revive it. Fortunately it was a playground so little of 
> value is missing, but I thougt I should ask . . .
> I pulled down a copy of today's ISO and had the same results. It seems 
> to be panicking when hitting the (virtualized) Ethernet port.
> Anyone else seeing this?

i am not seeing this, but sources venti is down and explains why
pull stepped on important stuff.  replica needs to be more defensive.

regardless, that doesn't explain why the iso worked enough to
get you to a panic.  what is the panic message?

- erik

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