On 30 Mrz., 23:36, quans...@coraid.com (erik quanstrom) wrote:
> On Mon Mar 30 17:28:36 EDT 2009, vmh...@verizon.net wrote:
> > All -
> > I have been running an all-in-one server on a VMware server virtual
> > machine on my Windows laptop.
> > After executing a 'pull' this morning, the server crashed and I have not
> > been able to revive it. Fortunately it was a playground so little of
> > value is missing, but I thougt I should ask . . .
> > I pulled down a copy of today's ISO and had the same results. It seems
> > to be panicking when hitting the (virtualized) Ethernet port.
> > Anyone else seeing this?
> i am not seeing this, but sources venti is down and explains why
> pull stepped on important stuff.  replica needs to be more defensive.
> regardless, that doesn't explain why the iso worked enough to
> get you to a panic.  what is the panic message?
> - erik

I have the same problem with vmware.
The message is:

"panic: etherreset ether0"

I downloaded the plan9 iso file on 2009-03-24.


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