I've got a laptop that I (for shits and giggles) decided to put Plan 9
on. Lo and behold, it worked fine (Compal EL80, Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM,
nVidia video).

So, I'm running at 1280x1024x32 right now in VESA, which is
reasonable, but I'd like to run at my maximum native resolution, which
is 1680x1050 (I believe). After tooling around with Xorg configs, I've
found a horiz/vert refresh rate that should work for me...

...except that I have no idea how to convert that into vgadb lingo.
I've read all the comments in vgadb, and the manpage, which helpfully
suggests that I purchase a rather dated book. I suppose it's at least
available, but in the interest of ``I want it now,'' are there any
hints on translating eg.

        Option          "DPMS"
        HorizSync       28-84
        VertRefresh     43-60

into vgadb(6) lingo?

Only other bit of potentially relevant information I have is that Xorg
reports the monitor as having a ``330.0 MHz pixel clock''.



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