skip is pretty much on the point exactly the same convention is valid
for cgifs.


cgi as cgifs are programs that parse the requested uri and from there,
after the 2nd '/', get the script name "script" in the example above.

On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 2:05 PM, erik quanstrom <> wrote:
> On Sun Apr 19 12:03:54 EDT 2009, wrote:
>> you could make local mods to your httpd so that paths starting with
>> /cgi are given similar treatment as those that start with /magic; it
>> would execute "cgi" and pass it the arguments as usual.  then url is:
>> http://myserver/cgi/foo?var1=1&var2=2
>> and in script "foo" the $QUERY_STRING will be "var1=1&var2=2"
> if you look at /sys/src/cmd/ip/httpd/init.c you'll see that
> argv[3] is the query string.
> minooka; g init.c
> init.c:97: = argv[3];
> there has been some recent reorganization of httpd.c
> that i haven't carefully looked at.
> about the same time i made a few modifications of my
> own to eliminate some bad interactions between magic,
> @ and other redirections.  i don't recall the senerio
> exactly, but depending on the situation, arguments
> could be parsed or not parsed.
> if anyone else needs that, i'd be glad to put it on sources.
> - erik

Federico G. Benavento

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