2009/4/23 Charles Forsyth <fors...@terzarima.net>:
> lcc is nothing like as hard to compile as gcc (which has got worse, much 
> worse, over the years).
> funnily enough, my gcc bootstrap compilation is still going (on a multi-core 
> linux machine).
> it started over an hour ago.  bizarre.

(my apologies for diverging the topic from both Plan 9 and the
original question)

What languages are you compiling? on my 3-core amd processor, it takes
10 minutes to compile c and c++.

Steve: I know there are some really good resources about PE online, as
well as several on MSDN that might contain more information about what
Windows will actually do with a PE. I don't believe they are required
to be relocatable, as even Windows 7 will still run Win9x binaries,
and I'm fairly sure that there wasn't the ability to relocate
executables back then.


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