On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 6:06 PM, Rudolf Sykora <rudolf.syk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> While not having direct knowledge of what caused the current outage, I
>> can say that such outages are rarely caused by Plan 9 or the hardware
>> on which its running.
> Ok. So what caused the other outrages in the recent past?
> (I may give at least one other date, on which I even asked the same
> question to the list; according to you this situation is very rare,
> according to what I have lived through it happens annoyingly often.)

Again, I'm not there, but to give a bit of insight, they have been in
the process of tearing up the machine room and moving the lab around.
This means unplugging and moving equipment, moving network equipment,
and so forth.   The external link to the labs is a "special case" link
which means it probably isn't managed with the rest of the enterprise
network.  The sources resource is a (probably relatively expensive)
"public service", which has to be argued for and justified with a
larger company that could care less and has been in financial crisis
since I left several years ago.  It has two people that look after it,
who have real jobs outside of caring for the "public service", and
they have real lives too.  So there is no 24/7 support staff, and the
environment surrounding these machines is currently in major flux.

>> As ron said, verifying that sources is down on the list (or IRC or
>> whatever) and then sending a polite note to geoff and/or jmk to let
>> them know is fine (since they use this infrastructure as their primary
>> work environment, these problems often cause them more pain than us).
> I do not know who takes care of the sources. I do not know even there
> is somebody called geoff. Thus writing that we should appeal to him is
> a nonsense. Moreover, there is not that many posts here, nobody gets
> hurt if one writes 'sources are down' here. If it were true and it all
> worked as it should, you wouldn't have here anything, by the way.
> Writing to the list also documents that something is wrong. And that's
> a good thing.

As I said, confirming that sources is down on the list is fine.
Asking who to contact when this happens is fine.  AFAIK, Geoff and jmk
read the list and so posting that you are having trouble reaching
sources is sufficient.  Posting antagonizing commentary:

>>>>I guess it's not my problem, or is it?
>>>>(why does this happen SO OFTEN?)

is not productive, it just alienates those who have put their careers
at risk to support the community.

>> Anything beyond that is ridiculous.  Also  as Ron said, a far more
>> constructive approach is mirroring (which many already do), and an
>> even better idea would be for someone to code up a nice little layer
>> that directs your sources request to the closest available server.
> So is there a need, suddenly? Isn't it good to discuss it here? What
> about saying, hey we need it. Who can do it? I guessed this mailing
> list IS the right place.

The point being made is that if you see a need, please do it.  Post
the solution.  That's productive.  If you are not sure how to do it,
ask for pointers.  If you are unable to provide a solution, ask if
there are mirrors.  Asking for someone else to solve the problem for
you is not productive.  There is no one paid to solve problems for the
community, we are all volunteers as far as that is concerned.  The
population of the labs has been reduced dramatically.  We, as a
community, need to step up and be self-sufficient, or die.


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