2009/7/8 erik quanstrom <quans...@coraid.com>:
> you say
>> I think, Google did not choose Plan 9 due lack of device drivers, poor
>> IPv6 support and confusing redundant fragment of code lurking around in
>>   /sys/boot or 9load, but a compared with Linux a compact, clean and
>> much more efficient FreeBSD could definitely have been a better choice.
> but then
>> But that's [linux] still a huge hog and spaghetti code; needs a lot of 
>> cleanup,
>> which I don't think is going to happen in the near future.
> i think you're going to have to pick a lane.

I don't think so. We already have IPv6 support and it's not that bad.
Having more drivers and supported commodity architectures would be a
good thing. I'd love to do this, but I don't think anybody's going to
match my salary to port drivers, do ACPI, add amd64 support for
workstations, etc. I don't think that adding drivers would make it a
`huge hog' or require `spaghetti code'. (Linux kernel code isn't
really `spaghetti code', it's just poorly organized and some of the
architectural decisions, I'd classify as `spaghetti architecture' --
once you find it though, the code isn't so bad to read, in general).

> and having fought with both the linux and plan 9 boot process,
> i can assure you that the plan 9 boot process is simplier and more
> straightfoward.  /sys/boot is trivial compared to a linux initrd.

I can stand up for this statement. Not only is it trivial compared to
initrd, the following of the boot process is much easier. I was doing
some work on an ARM architecture port for Plan 9 (for an already dead
product, the Siemens SimPAD). Figuring out where the *(#Q*(#...@$ source
for the boot stuff was in Linux was a huge hassle and took me days.

> - erik

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