2009/7/8 Benjamin Huntsman <bhunts...@mail2.cu-portland.edu>:
>>> Without this getting into a holy war, what Geoff told me was that the
>>> amd64 work was for headless CPU servers, which is only mildly useful
>>> to me anyway.
>>If it was released perhaps somebody would add the missing drivers, who 
>>As things stand, we will never know.
> Speaking of the amd64 port, I had thought that Bell Labs was planning on 
> releasing it at some point in the future, but that it currently wasn't quite 
> perfect and they didn't want to have to field complaints...  I can't say that 
> I blame them...

My understanding from Geoff was exactly this. But I don't want to
speak for him or introduce this as fact. I'm unaware of the exact
status at this particular time.

> But, it would be nice to see eventually.  Are there plans to let the amd64 
> port out of the labs at some point in the future?


> Many thanks!
> -Ben

Before my signature, I'd really like to reiterate that I did not bring
up amd64 to open a can of worms.


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