> As a professional user I think that Plan9 could be better than *nix for a
> large class of  industrial - not time critical - applications but in 
> Italy nobody use it, except of no more than a dozen of fans. The University 
> doesn't 
> know it at all. Of course, this is what I see. I would be happy if the 
> picture were 
> different.
> Speaking with my clients I see that almost all appreciate Plan9. But, 
> even if some of them defined it "fascinating", the common sense is that, 
> without 
> guarantees about its longevity, it could be a wrong choice.
> How can I reply to this objection ?

coraid sells storage appliances based on plan 9 and employs
people specficly to work on plan 9.  there's also quite
a bit of work that goes on at bell labs with the blue gene
project.  and i'm quite sure there are other serious applications
that i'm not as aware of.

- erik

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