On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Skip Tavakkolian<9...@9netics.com> wrote:
>> Or is there a better idea?  This certainly seems preferable
>> to RPC or plain byte pipes for communicating structured
>> values.
> i have some incomplete ideas that are tangentially related to this --
> more for handling interfaces.
> it seems one could write a compiler that translates an interface
> definition (e.g.  IDL) into a server and a client library; 9p(2) and
> ioproc(2) can be readily used in the generated code to do the tricky
> stuff.  the main part then becomes how to translate the calls across.
> conventionally the server for an interface with an ID of X (e.g.
> GUID) is posted to /srv/X.
> for a given method bar in interface foo, writing to /n/foo/bar (
> /srv/X mounted on /n/foo) would invoke foo:bar wherever it is.
> obviously when the reader/writer are generated, the types and sizes of
> parameters are known.

Reminds me of the http interface to venti, which has things like
/set/variable and /plot/variable

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