On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Josh Wood<j...@utopian.net> wrote:
>> Just fetched the tarball for lua-5.1.4, changed the CC=gcc to CC=cc
>> and tried "make posix". After lots of complaining about the -O2
>> option, I see:
>> /usr/john/lua-5.1.4/src/liolib.c:178[stdin:2686] incompatible types:
>> "IND STRUCT _1_" and "INT" for op "AS"
>> I'm going to poke around and look into things, also try compiling with
>> different targets ("make linux" etc.), but can I get a description of
>> exactly how you compiled it, Robert?
> make ansi
> -Josh

Yeah, I'm kinda dumb... I tried make generic and make ansi without
doing a make clean (after trying a make posix) so I had some old crap
lying around.


"Object-oriented design is the roman numerals of computing" -- Rob Pike

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