On Fri, 21 Aug 2009 21:34:03 EDT Akshat Kumar <aku...@mail.nanosouffle.net>  
> If I start QEMU with the option to boot directly from
> the HD image, as opposed to booting from network,
> then it starts up fine - but then the kernel is different
> also. I don't know what part of this is really troublesome.
> Maybe the pcap device? I can't get into VNC if I start
> QEMU with -boot d and -net pcap,devicename=ath0 so
> -boot n remains my only options; but with this option
> we have the hung fossil... or something....
> So many problems (due to so many limitations).

AFAIK, only one mac address is allowed with wifi (unlike
ethernet). Have you tried using NAT on the host?  When I used
to run qemu on a FreeBSD laptop with only a wifi link, this
is what worked best. I used something like this:

qemu -vnc :<n> -net tap -net nic,macaddr=<a>,model=<m> -monitor stdio img

On the host I bridged all tap devices so that all the VMs
can talk to each other.

If you want any plan9 services accessible from outside the
qemu host, you will have to redirect any ports of interest.

[Note: FreeBSD runs on Acer Aspire One]

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