In article <>,
Akshat Kumar <> wrote:
>Greg Comeau wrote:
>[... stuff ...]
>These four posts seem to be in indirect
>conversation with Charles Forsyth's,
>"one thing that gets me is that i've had
>people fulminate about the few minor
>changes in Plan 9's C compilers,
>because `they are not standard'...."
>Perhaps he can further elaborate.

Not sure what you mean, but "for the record" definitely never had
any such conversation with Charles that I know of -- plus, it's
probably not my position, so should not be part of any conversation
I don't know of either :).  (FWIW, in these four posts, I did not
present my closure position, just trying to understand some of the

I'll probably google this string to see what you're referring to,
but I'll *guess* that Charles is probably referring to some people
feeling that Plan 9 C extensions are permission to open the floodgates.
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