I've had "/bin/rc: not found" twice from Qemu with clean shutdowns

I run it in with -snapshot now and do manual commits (or rather, I did before I went to back to dedicated hardware)

My drawterm also pops out of existence sometimes when I'm using Acme.
If I restart it and open the same file, the same thing happens.
If I open a difference file for a while and go back it works fine.

I can't fathom how to reproduce it so I've never reported it and hope it is somehow Linux' fault. It also crashes with an assert in X11 code one in ten times at startup [but not when you do while() drawterm ... && sleep 1] (tip don't do that if you like your X session as I just found out !)

On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 07:45:17 -0700
David Leimbach <leim...@gmail.com> wrote:

I think it's officially a port of Plan 9's kernel to the vx32 stuff, so it's
not precisely the same as running a Plan 9 box natively, or in another
emulator, but it is indeed quite a feat, and "close enough" that most people
won't notice.
Personally, I'd love to be able to completely replace drawterm with 9vx, but
for some reason I still have a little trouble with that setup (in fact I've
not finished setting up my CPUFSAUTH server yet, so really I'm the reason
for that).

Running 9vx instances as Plan 9 terminals fits better with the Plan 9
way than running Drawterm, aye.  :) I'd like to but I use Rio's hold
feature for making quick notes all the time, notes which I need to
have around for a few days.  I don't think I'll be using 9vx for
terminal work until at least 6 months after I hear the last word about
it crashing.

Now 9vx for CPU work; that's another matter.  That could very well
work better for me than my present QEmu-based CPU server, perhaps with
a QEmu-based file server.  OTOH I'd still need a QEmu-based terminal
server sort of wierd thing to use with drawterm, which leaves me
pondering the port assignments if not the overall logic of the
setup....  Hmm!  :)

Anyway, I think 9vx is a great thing too, despite the occasional
crash.  As someone posted a week or two ago it even works well for
testing many kernel changes, having minimal boot-up time.  As to
changing the Plan 9 homepage, that may be a difficult matter.  The
wiki seems largely kept up to date, but the homepage and recommended
reading not so much.

Another interesting project would be an Inferno based drawterm :-)... but
I'd be lying if I said I had any time for that kind of fun.

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