2010/1/2 erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net>:
>> and /sys/src isn't by any means the largest tree i like to grep
>> (for instance, searching for lost files with a name i longer remember,
>> i've been known to search through all the files in my home directory,
>> ~425000 files at last count)
>> sometimes i think it would be nice if du had a breadth-first option.
> aren't you contridicting yourself?  at 128 characters/file,
> that's only 52mb -- 2% of memory on a typical system these days.
> why can't it be passed as an argument list?

i'm not saying it can't be passed in an argument list, just that
xargs gives you a lazy evaluation of the walk
of the file tree which can result in a faster result
when the result is found earlier in the file list.

that's why breadth-first might be useful, by putting
shallower files earlier in the search results - i often
do grep foo *.[ch] */*.[ch] */*/*.[ch] to achieve
a similar result, but you have to guess the depth that way.

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