On Sat, 02 Jan 2010 20:49:39 EST erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net>  wrote:
> > And can eat up a lot of memory or even run out of it.  On a
> > 2+ year old MacBookPro "find -x /" takes 4.5 minutes for 1.6M
> > files and 155MB to hold paths.  My 11 old machine has 64MB
> > and over a million files on a rather slow disk. Your solution
> > would run out of space on it.
> modern cat wouldn't fit in core on the early pdps unix was
> developed on!

No point in gratuitously obsoleting old machines.  I am
running FreeBSD-7.2 on it my 11yo machine and so far it has
stood up well enough.

> just to be fair, could you fit your 1.6m files on your 11yu machine?
> i'm guessing you couldn't.

Yes. It's on its third disk. A 6yo 80G IDE disk.

> > Basically this is just streams programming for arguments
> > instead of data. 
> that's fine.  but it's no excuse to hobble exec.  not unless
> you're prepared to be replace argument lists with an argument
> fd.

Not sure how exec is hobbled.  Given the way Unix programs
behave you can't replace arg list with an arg fd (I used to
carry around a libary to do just that but the problem is all
the standard programs). Anyway, I don't see how xargs can be
gotten rid of.

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