> Interessting idea. Do you use a fossil only configuration and
> mirroring with fs(3)?

I use fossil and venti with everything mirrored with fs(3) - each partition.
I have two 7500 RPM "Enterprise grade" disks (i.e. better than average 
from two different manufacturers, the idea is one will die first :-)
I created three seperate fs config partitions on the disks so I can have full 
only disk1 or only disk2 so when one disk dies I sould be able to carry on 
after just
chosing a different option at bootup (from plan9.ini).

> Only are that there are only too two SATA ports. No space for
> extensions in the future.

Thats correct, the newer cards have more sata slots but two is OK for me,
one each for the disks and a PATA slot for my DVDRW for long term backups.

I can give you the disk config info when you come to that stage, I was planning 
write it up as it was a bit of a pain copying the venti arenas from my old 
(it need a 50 line script rather than a single command).


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