On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 12:23 PM, John Stalker <stal...@maths.tcd.ie> wrote:
>> sneaky.  but it won't work.
>> ; touch 'x;reboot'
>> ; du -a .
>> 0     './x;reboot'
>> 0     .
>> - erik
> It worked under 9vx on my Mac.  I didn't test on real hardware.

interesting. OK, my idea sucks due to a lack of foresight on my part :-)

So far, given the complexity of all the alternatives, I'm sticking
with my grep -r. Yeah, it's gross to special-case something, but
sometimes a special case has more use than a general case.

But, hey, if you don't like my idea don't use it. No feelings will be
harmed; after all, I've only got one real user for smacme and it's not
me :-)

And if you like find, write and put it in contrib.

I don't understand all the concern about whether this or that tool
ends up in the "official" tree, or who is resistant to it. Plan 9 is a
distributed OS. Roll your own tree. put it on bitbucket. Add all the
stuff you think should be there. Maybe others will like it too. In the
70s just about every university had a Unix distro ... harvard, jhu, on
and on ... it was only in the 80s that BSD became the choice item.
With the tools we have today it's pretty easy to fork something. Who
knows, you might pull a BSD :-)


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