> 1. We use Lf/Rt arrows to move the cursor, don't we? Then use Up/Dn to do the 
> same kind of task is symmetric, and thus more reasonable.

In case of being in an editor, editing some text, I'd say your idea
has a point. Also I find it disturbing when instead of moving up one
line the scrolling comes instead.
On the other hand, being in a rio window or an acme win window, moving
the cursor up or down using the arrows doesn't have much sense (in any
case you have to use a mouse to do something useful with a text

What I'd appreciate, from the user's point of view, would be some kind
of history mechanism tied to the up/down keys in rio/win (where I
interact with a shell), up arrow bringing up the last command e.g.,
and a normal movement behaviour when editing a 'text' file (no direct
interaction with the shell, where 'enter' is just a newline).
On the other hand, implementing such a mechanism would probably lead
to ugly complications, which might be better be avoided. For now,
simplicity wins.

Btw., I know the " and "" scripts by R Cox, I use them. Without
something like them, it would be hell. Anyhow, hitting the up/down key
a few times is just quicker.


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