> another concern I have is where are you going to put 3rd party drivers
> a new location is going to be created, probably a directory per 3rd
> party driver, when all this ends?

i don't think this is on point, but since your brought it
up, i run into a related problem all the time.  how to
organize stuff that clearly doesn't belong in the distribution,
like experimental network stacks, etc.  (i keep all the
normal stuff like network drivers in the usual places.)

what i settled on was a tiny little script ../port/dirdep
which allows one to specify a "dir" section in the kernel
config.  one line of support was added in ../pc/mkfile.
the script includes ../$dir/mkfrag if it exists so that all
the add-hoc rules one needs can be included.
this way you can build a kernel with, say, an
xns stack, without major upheaval in ../pc/mkfile and
you can build devices and whatnot directly from the
included directory.

- erik

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