On 29 Mar 2010, at 00:28, hiro wrote:
Following your logic we must be one of the luckiest mailing list around

I was speaking of lunix & co, on the basis that given enough additional apps & things the same problems will arise.

We use ls -t. It's better than git for your task.


Surely not.


Why didn't I think of that?


Oh so if ls -lt in bin you see things grouped... the -l is important.. yes... Oh when stuff is scattered through bin lib and other dirs you need ls -lt `{ find * } . Agh! Horrendous way-too-long-to-read output... I can pipe it into less -S and search. Wait, no less. That's fair enough, I can search in terminal... no search in terminal.

Do not want to post "fail, feature needed." No contextual output from diff, and it would be a weak solution anyway. Perhaps some script to take the output from ls, pick the timestamp of a specified filename, and output only lines matching that timestamp. I could write that with only a little pain. :s Huh, I think we have a solution, but it's not just ls -t. ... And to simplify: rather than write a script I could ls -l a known file, snarf the timestamp, and ls -lt `{ find * } | grep <timestamp>. Well, that's bearable.

I hope my stream of consciousness is readable, it's rather late here.

Speaking of late, remember you should never let make install run at midnight (or it breaks the above solution).

Simplicity does not precede complexity, but follows it. -- Alan Perlis

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