This machine is in my business room, and I cannot touch it until next monday.

So I cannot report the info of seE0part of this machine now.
However, I'll retry what happened here.

1) replaced only /sys/src/boot/pc/sdiahci.c from the format CDROM 
to your 9atom CDROM.
2) It booted nicely, meaning no long wait to detect and fail CDROM
3) system came up safely, and I can do anything, but only no /dev/sdE0/other
4) Then, I dispatched the disk/prep command interacyively.
5) Yes, it reports the right partition table including 'other'
6) then, I wrote the table to the disk.
7) exit disk/prep
8) Now, I see /dev/sdE0/other directory.
9) therefore, ofcourse, I can mount that partion safely.
10) however, after end the session, and rebooted the system again, then,
/dev/sdE0/other disappeared again.

This the precise story I experienced.


PS. I can see the list only after next Monday night.

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