Nice work!

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 4:57 AM, <> wrote:

> So it compiles without ado under Plan9! And it's pure C89 (POSIX is just
> for the framework, not for the code: I have removed unneeded
> dependencies). And it's all the latest versions of the programs.
> So some numbers:
>        - You will need to download a bundle of 4 chunks (I will put all on
>        my website; I think the licence for TeX/METAFONT allows thie):
>                1) Donald E. Knuth's sources: all the programs; the sources
> for
>                the Computer Modern Typefaces and the man pages (roff) I
> have
>                found here and there or reconstructed.
>                        => < 6 Mb (compressed)
>                2) kertex_M: these are the tools for the _matrix_ (the
> vulcan;
>                the node compiling; the cpu) translating from Pascal to C.
>                        => < 54 kb (compressed)
>                3) kertex_T: the R.I.S.K. (see below) framework for building
>                TeX/METAFONT, that is the change files, the template
> Makefiles,
>                the PASCAL-H extensions implemented as a C library. Plus
> some
>                public domain software: dvips [it is not compiled for now;
> it's
>                the next in the list] and some auxiliary tools (afm2tfm
> etc.);
>                MetaPost (not included for now: next after dvips).
>                        => < 0.4 Mb
>                4) The R.I.S.K. comp framework (my stuff) that is just a
> basic
>                POSIX compliant way of configuring, compiling and installing
>                software. Everything is configured via basic parameters file
>                (you should not have to change something here; but it's all
>                sh(1), ed(1), sed(1) and make(1)).
>                        => < 125kb (compressed; the bigger par in size is
> D.E. Knuth
>                                and Silvio Levy's CWEB [not used here] that
> I use
>                                intensively).
> So the sources, it is less than 12 Mb uncompressed.
> And the sources can be (shall be) read-only so you can put them where
> you want.
> Space requirements for compilation : you will need about 33 Mb of free
> space or, at least, 12 Mb of free space if you use the SAVE_SPACE=YES
> option of R.I.S.K. (in this case, the intermediary products are removed
> whence the target is built; and when building the package, the binaries
> are not copied in the tarball, but moved in the tarball).
> Time: on my old AMD Athlon (686-class), 1250.16 MHz, this takes less
> than 2 minutes and a half...
> The resulting package is 8 Mb. But the installation will need a little
> more, since :
>        1) The METAFONT plain format is compiled leading to the program that
>        has the right to be called mf(1) since it passes the TRAP test.
>        2) All the Computer Modern fontes are compiled, using mf(1).
>        3) The TeX plain format is compiled leading to the program that has
>        the right to be called tex(1) since it passes the TRIP test.
> Since the work is done for allowing cross-compilation, the binaries are
> not used on the matrix, but on the target, i.e. at installation time.
> For the use of the stuff, I will need to put the essential in the
> document describing the process in the following days.
> For Plan9, one question: about the group (since for the user it will be
> ignored). Which group ?
> I have decided that the stuff will be installed in:
>        - /lib/kertex for machine independant stuff (the macros, but the
>        compiled fontes too). Plan9 users can "bind -a" to ``redirect'' what
>        will be written where they want.
>        - /$objtype/bin for the binaries. (idem)
>        - /$objtype/lib/kertex/tex/dump/, and /$objtype/lib/kertex/mf/dump/
>        for the dump of the tables (the compiled version of the macros, that
>        is loaded say when you call virtex(1) mistex(1), this is virtex(1)
>        but it looks to is dump mistex.fmt to load it. The dumps are not
>        machine independant, even not program independant since they depend
>        on options selected at compile time). (idem)
> To give you a view of what is installed (and possibly where), here is
> the (generic: for Unices too) map [I need to change root:wheel to
> variable things) :
> #========== THE MAIN DIR TREE
> # Everything is relative (for the not man nor bin stuff) to PKGDIR that
> # one can set as he sees fit.
> #
> + d * $PKGDIR/mf root:wheel 755
> # This is where we put Computer Modern _sources_ (parameters and drivers
> # METAFONT's files).
> #
> + d * $PKGDIR/mf/cm root:wheel 755
> + d * $PKGDIR/mf/mac root:wheel 755
> # If you want to ``localize'' messages, look at D.E.K.'s pool stuff.
> #
> + d * $PKGDIR/mf/pool root:wheel 755
> + d * $PKGDIR/mf/trap root:wheel 755
> # Since to create a METAFONT' base file, one dumps, we call it: dump.
> # But is is machine dependant.
> #
> + d * $TARGETBINDIR/lib root:wheel 755
> + d * $TARGETBINDIR/lib/mf root:wheel 755
> + d * $TARGETBINDIR/lib/mf/dump root:wheel 755
> + d * $PKGDIR/tex root:wheel 755
> + d * $PKGDIR/tex/mac root:wheel 755
> # If you want to ``localize'' messages, look at D.E.K.'s pool stuff.
> #
> + d * $PKGDIR/tex/pool root:wheel 755
> + d * $PKGDIR/tex/trip root:wheel 755
> # Since to create a TeX' format file, one dumps, we call it: dump.
> # But it is machine dependant.
> #
> + d * $TARGETBINDIR/lib/tex root:wheel 755
> + d * $TARGETBINDIR/lib/tex/dump root:wheel 755
> # This directory is for resulting fontes, that is tfm and gf, vf and
> # pk. This is used, for tfm, by TeX; for pk and t1 by dvips(1).
> #
> + d * $PKGDIR/fonts root:wheel 755
> + d * $PKGDIR/fonts/gf root:wheel 755
> + d * $PKGDIR/fonts/vf root:wheel 755
> + d * $PKGDIR/fonts/tfm root:wheel 755
> + d * $PKGDIR/fonts/pk root:wheel 755
> + d * $PKGDIR/fonts/ps root:wheel 755
> # The not roff man pages---the doc--- will be put in DOCDIR, under a
> # dedicated subdirectory.
> #
> + d * $TARGETDOCDIR/kertex root:wheel 755
> #========== WEB
> + f $OBJDIR/web/bin1/tangle/tangle $TARGETBINDIR/tangle root:wheel 755
> = f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/man1/tangle.1 $TARGETMANDIR/man1/tangle.1 root:wheel 444
> + f $OBJDIR/web/bin1/weave/weave $TARGETBINDIR/weave root:wheel 755
> = f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/man1/weave.1 $TARGETMANDIR/man1/weave.1 root:wheel 444
> = f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/man1/web.1 $TARGETMANDIR/man1/pooltype.1 root:wheel 444
> #========== WEB auxiliaries
> + f $OBJDIR/webware/bin1/pooltype/pooltype $TARGETBINDIR/pooltype
> root:wheel 755
> = f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/man1/pooltype.1 $TARGETMANDIR/man1/pooltype.1 root:wheel
> 444
> #========== Donald E. Knuth's METAFONT.
> #
> + f $OBJDIR/mf/bin1/inimf/inimf $TARGETBINDIR/inimf root:wheel 755
> = f $OBJDIR/mf/bin1/inimf/mf.pool $PKGDIR/mf/pool/mf.pool root:wheel 444
> + f $OBJDIR/mf/bin1/virmf/virmf $TARGETBINDIR/virmf root:wheel 755
> = f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/man1/mf.1 $TARGETMANDIR/man1/mf.1 root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/lib/ $PKGDIR/mf/mac/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/lib/ $PKGDIR/mf/mac/ root:wheel 444
> # TRAP stuff.
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/mf/trapman.tex $TARGETDOCDIR/kertex/trapman.tex
> root:wheel 444
> # The special INIMF is not installed as an normal executable.
> #
> + f $OBJDIR/mf/bin1/trapmf/trapmf $PKGDIR/mf/trap/trapmf root:wheel 444
> + f $OBJDIR/mf/bin1/trapmf/mf.pool $PKGDIR/mf/trap/trap.pool root:wheel 444
> + f $OBJDIR/mf/sh1/trapmf/ $PKGDIR/mf/trap/ root:wheel
> 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/mf/ $PKGDIR/mf/trap/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/mf/trap.fot $PKGDIR/mf/trap/trap.fot root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/mf/trap.log $PKGDIR/mf/trap/trap.log root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/mf/trapin.log $PKGDIR/mf/trap/trapin.log root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/mf/ $PKGDIR/mf/trap/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/mf/trap.typ $PKGDIR/mf/trap/trap.typ root:wheel 444
> # for GFtoDVI.
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/lib/ $PKGDIR/mac/ root:wheel 444
> = f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/man1/gftodvi.1 $TARGETMANDIR/man1/gftodvi.1 root:wheel
> 444
> #========== METAFONT' auxiliaries
> #
> + f $OBJDIR/mfware/bin1/gftype/gftype $TARGETBINDIR/gftype root:wheel 755
> = f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/man1/gftype.1 $TARGETMANDIR/man1/gftype.1 root:wheel 444
> + f $OBJDIR/mfware/bin1/gftodvi/gftodvi $TARGETBINDIR/gftodvi root:wheel
> 755
> = f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/man1/gftodvi.1 $TARGETMANDIR/man1/gftodvi.1 root:wheel
> 444
> + f $OBJDIR/mfware/bin1/mft/mft $TARGETBINDIR/mft root:wheel 755
> = f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/man1/mft.1 $TARGETMANDIR/man1/mft.1 root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/lib/plain.mft $PKGDIR/tex/mac/plain.mft root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/lib/cmbase.mft $PKGDIR/tex/mac/cmbase.mft root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/lib/mftmac.tex $PKGDIR/tex/mac/mftmac.tex root:wheel 444
> #========== Donald E. Knuth's Computer Modern Typefaces.
> #
> # The drivers.
> #
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> #
> # The parameters.
> #
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/cm/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> #========== Donald E. Knuth's TeX.
> #
> + f $OBJDIR/tex/bin1/initex/initex $TARGETBINDIR/initex root:wheel 755
> = f $OBJDIR/tex/bin1/initex/tex.pool $PKGDIR/tex/pool/tex.pool root:wheel
> 444
> + f $OBJDIR/tex/bin1/virtex/virtex $TARGETBINDIR/virtex root:wheel 755
> = f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/man1/tex.1 $TARGETMANDIR/man1/tex.1 root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/lib/plain.tex $PKGDIR/tex/mac/plain.tex root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/lib/hyphen.tex $PKGDIR/tex/mac/hyphen.tex root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/lib/null.tex $PKGDIR/tex/mac/null.tex root:wheel 444
> # Plain TeX font
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/lib/ $PKGDIR/mf/cm/ root:wheel 444
> # TRIP stuff.
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/tex/tripman.tex $TARGETDOCDIR/kertex/tripman.tex
> root:wheel 444
> # The special INITEX is not installed as an normal executable.
> #
> + f $OBJDIR/tex/bin1/triptex/triptex $PKGDIR/tex/trip/triptex root:wheel
> 755
> + f $OBJDIR/tex/bin1/triptex/tex.pool $PKGDIR/tex/trip/trip.pool root:wheel
> 755
> + f $OBJDIR/tex/sh1/triptex/ $PKGDIR/tex/trip/
> root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/tex/trip.tex $PKGDIR/tex/trip/trip.tex root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/tex/tripos.tex $PKGDIR/tex/trip/tripos.tex root:wheel
> 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/tex/trip.fot $PKGDIR/tex/trip/trip.fot root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/tex/trip.log $PKGDIR/tex/trip/trip.log root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/tex/tripin.log $PKGDIR/tex/trip/tripin.log root:wheel
> 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/tex/ $PKGDIR/tex/trip/ root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/tex/trip.tfm $PKGDIR/tex/trip/trip.tfm root:wheel 444
> + f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/tex/trip.typ $PKGDIR/tex/trip/trip.typ root:wheel 444
> #========== TeX' auxiliaries
> #
> + f $OBJDIR/texware/bin1/tftopl/tftopl $TARGETBINDIR/tftopl root:wheel 755
> = f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/man1/tftopl.1 $TARGETMANDIR/man1/tftopl.1 root:wheel 444
> + f $OBJDIR/texware/bin1/pltotf/pltotf $TARGETBINDIR/pltotf root:wheel 755
> = f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/man1/pltotf.1 $TARGETMANDIR/man1/pltotf.1 root:wheel 444
> #========== FONTWARE
> + f $OBJDIR/fontware/bin1/afm2tfm/afm2tfm $TARGETBINDIR/afm2tfm root:wheel
> 755
> = f $PROJECTDIR/fontware/bin1/afm2tfm/MAN $TARGETMANDIR/man1/afm2tfm.1
> root:wheel 444
> + f $OBJDIR/fontware/bin1/vftovp/vftovp $TARGETBINDIR/vftovp root:wheel 755
> = f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/man1/vftovp.1 $TARGETMANDIR/man1/vftovp.1 root:wheel 444
> + f $OBJDIR/fontware/bin1/vptovf/vptovf $TARGETBINDIR/vptovf root:wheel 755
> = f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/man1/vptovf.1 $TARGETMANDIR/man1/vptovf.1 root:wheel 444
> + f $OBJDIR/fontware/bin1/gftopk/gftopk $TARGETBINDIR/gftopk root:wheel 755
> = f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/man1/gftopk.1 $TARGETMANDIR/man1/gftopk.1 root:wheel 444
> #========== DVIWARE
> + f $OBJDIR/dviware/bin1/dvitype/dvitype $TARGETBINDIR/dvitype root:wheel
> 755
> = f $KNUTH_SRC_DIR/man1/dvitype.1 $TARGETMANDIR/man1/dvitype.1 root:wheel
> 444
> I think the web pages and the documentation will be online on monday. I
> will drop a message when done.
> --
>        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
> Key fingerprint = 0FF7 E906 FBAF FE95 FD89  250D 52B1 AE95 6006 F40C

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