On Sunday 25 April 2010 21:06:11 Patrick Kelly wrote:

> > A "thinktank" comprised of a single individual battling through the flame
> > drizzles of a sensitive/reactionary social environment and/or twiddling
> > his thumbs on a mostly empty mailing list is...suboptimal
> So my work is suboptimal?

You seriously managed to interpret that as an indirect sleight towards your

> > Despite my best efforts, I'm still seeing folks inferring or projecting
> > the following fallacies:
> > 
> > * I'm being a troll who's objective is to embroil people in arguments
> > * I'm being a motormouth who wants nothing more than to gab on and on
>       Yes, a bit.

No longer an issue - I'll keep further responses, if any, short.

> Stripping down the blender code base might be more work than it's worth. I
> haven't really looked at it so I don't know, but in general that’s the
> case. You may be better off with just writing from scratch.


It doesn't matter to me that it _might_ be this, or it _might_ be that - 
I'm doing it, as in - work in progress - for my own set of reasons. 

> As far as I've seen, and I may have missed this, you haven't mentioned
> anything about an alternate interface. You'd be more likely to get help
> with a specific project like that, than just say, hey lets fork Plan 9!

I've already made it clear several times over that I'm not covertly
lobbying for some specific project of my own specific ideas. 

Additionally, "hey lets fork Plan 9!" is an extremely inaccurate summary.

> > In fact, "Plan X" is specifically for the purpose of facilitating
> > _various_ eXperimental/eXploratory eXpressions of alternative Plan 9
> > based operating environments than what is desired and possible within
> > the official distribution.
> So if I understand now, Plan X is just a test bed. Should your
> hypotheoretical ideas be valid and welcome, they could then be merged
> back.
> Remember to be thorough in your propositions, it helps everyone out.
Won't be necessary - too much hostility, too much sensitivity, too much
suspicion is in the air for any sort of productive dialog to emerge from
this thread. 

I'm going to drop the subject so that I don't make too much of a  pariah out
of myself - because I'll likely hope to still get help and advice regarding
Plan 9 in the future. 


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