> Now for the problem behind all this.  I am basically required to use troff
> for formatting the iwp9 paper submissions.  I have asked repeatedly for the
> a TeX macros, or the source for an acceptable macro.ms equivalents.  All of
> these requests have been greeted with silence because someone, and I would
> have to guess who, is discouraging the use of TeX for these submissions.
> Frankly troff has been a pain, and I do not use it for anything else, and
> will not except for necessary plan9 related documentation.  Thanks for the
> work around BTW, but next time I rebuild plan9port it will be blown away
> unless I add these dance steps to the ebuilds.  See the chicken ant the egg
> problem?

It's just not that hard to use the iwp9 macros with plan9port.
They work fine, and if you put .FP luxisans at the top of your
ms file you can get a nice-looking B&H-designed sans serif font too.
And then when you submit the source to them you or they
can delete that one line.  It's easy.

Or you can run 9vx pointed at a real Plan 9 ISO image
and run Plan 9 in all its glory.  That's easy too.

You're making things a lot harder than they need to be.


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