> > The Plan ( server would
> > have to have enough disk space to store its own stuff, plus the
> > workstation's file system? Could get dicey, if you've got a few
> > workstations net-booting, could it not?
> It can.  The clients all share a single copy of the common files,
> but each user will have his own files on the common server.
> But the full Plan9 installation is quite managable.  You can
> do quite a lot with only a few gig.

i think there's a fundamental misunderstanding here.  a plan 9
file server serves a *common* set of files.  so loosely speaking,
storage requirements scale with users, and not with the number
of systems attached.  one could boot dozens of cpu servers from
a fs with only 1gb of storage. the distribution takes only 300mb.

- erik

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