On Thu, 03 Feb 2011 13:11:07 EST erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net>  wrote:
> > I agree with their goal but not its execution.  I think a
> > toolkit for manipulating graph based program representations
> > to build optimizing compilers is a great idea but did they
> > do it in C++?
> are you sure that the problem isn't the graph representation?
> gcc also takes a graph-based approach.

What problem? 

All programs are graphs in any case.  Optimizations in effect
replace one subgraph with another that has better properties.
Global optimizers need to keep many more graphs in memory.
But you can take short cuts when not optimizing -- if you
know a graph is not going to change under you, you can
generate code incrementally and may not even need to keep all
subgraphs in memory.

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