On Thu, 03 Feb 2011 13:54:05 EST erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net>  wrote:
> On Thu Feb  3 13:33:52 EST 2011, bakul+pl...@bitblocks.com wrote:
> > On Thu, 03 Feb 2011 13:11:07 EST erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net>  wr
> ote:
> > > > I agree with their goal but not its execution.  I think a
> > > > toolkit for manipulating graph based program representations
> > > > to build optimizing compilers is a great idea but did they
> > > > do it in C++?
> > > 
> > > are you sure that the problem isn't the graph representation?
> > > gcc also takes a graph-based approach.
> > 
> > What problem? 
> the problem you yourself mentioned.  gcc/llvm/etc have seem
> to have produced monsterously huge piles of code, out of all
> proportion to the problem at hand.
> i believe you're putting forth the theory that llvm is huge
> because it's c++.  and i'm not so sure.

I must also say llvm has a lot of functionality. But even so
there is a lot of bloat.  Let me just say the bloat is due to
many factors but it has far *less* to do with graphs.
Download llvm and take a peek.  I think the chosen language
and the habits it promotes and the "impedance match" with the
problem domain does play a significant role.

At any rate, a graph representation would have `data' bloat
if any, but not so much code bloat!

> > All programs are graphs in any case.  Optimizations in effect
> > replace one subgraph with another that has better properties.
> > Global optimizers need to keep many more graphs in memory.
> > But you can take short cuts when not optimizing -- if you
> > know a graph is not going to change under you, you can
> > generate code incrementally and may not even need to keep all
> > subgraphs in memory.
> all programs are graphs implies that we should represent them
> as graphs?

Or something equivalent. Example: How do you know moving an
expression out of a for loop is valid? The optimizer needs to
understand the control flow.

The _model_ is graph based.  But if you look at c/c++ code,
typically the "graphiness" is hidden in a mess of ptrs. Which
makes equivalent xforms on the representation harder.

> seem to get by fine using pseudoassembler instead of a graph.
> they are also quite a bit faster and smaller than their graph-based
> counterparts.

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