On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 12:08:21PM -0700, Bakul Shah wrote:
> Most TeX users are actually latex users, not raw TeX so the
> TeXbook is not terribly useful. But there are good books on
> latex and there is a wealth of material online (& many
> packages that work with latex).  With TeXworks and TeXshop on
> the Mac writing latex docs has become more pleasant.
> Still, it is much easier to learn to use troff (speaking as a
> user; never tried writing a macro package for it). A lot of
> things "just work".

I'm not an integrist, and as long as someone is comfortable with troff,
I don't see why he should switch to TeX. The converse is true.

But most of the "difficulties" with TeX come precisely because this is
not "plain" TeX: plain TeX (i.e. the macros from D.E. Knuth) just work
too. But TeX is hidden---see the comments I received at first: "why do
you want to make a TeX package? People only use LaTeX..."

And I think that I have the right to say that if some people had really
grasped TeX and al., they would never have done the mess the
distributions of the system are now.
        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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