> So I'm trying to compile the pcf kernel from quanstro's 9atom.iso.bz2.
> There seems to be an undocumented dependency on the quanstro/fis
> contrib(1).  (Without it, 8c complains that it can't find an include
> file named fis.h or some such.)  I now have that.
> I've also added the two assembly routines (_tracein and _traceout) to
> /sys/src/libc/386/trace.s, as specified, and rebuilt and reinstalled
> libc.
> Nevertheless, when running mk 'CONF=pcf', the build fails with the
> following error:
>     8l -p -e -o 9pcf -T0xF0100020 -l l.8 plan9l.8 [...]
>     size 9pcf
>     _strayintrx: _tracein/_traceout not defined 5 5
>     _strayintrx: _tracein: not defined
>     _strayintrx: _traceout: not defined
>     mk: 8c -FTVw '-DKERNDATE='`{date ...  : exit status=rc 5800: 8l 5804: 
> error

_straintrx is a red herring.  have you recompiled libc?

- erik

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