On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 10:23 AM, Peter A. Cejchan <tyap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Folks,
> i am very unhappy seeing this kind of discussions here (and, the wasted
> potential to do something more useful in my eyes, sorry, but IMHO)... it
> resembles me very much the times when Steve Jobbs compromised the ideas of
> the NeXTstep, first downgrading it to the OpenStep for Windoze users, then
> downgrading to MacOS X...... look, what happened to linux, bsd, etc: it's
> all approaching the silly model of windoze, you'll kill me but its IMHO... i
> don't want zillion of comp. languages to learn when they are capable of
> mostly the same ... please, please, Bell Labs people, please, do not
> compromise the ideas... believe me, it was not very much easy to me to throw
> away all the boilerplate apps served on linux and do the C port of many
> (>70) of them to switch to native plan9, but i feel it was one of the best
> decisions in my (professional) life, and remember, i am not a programmer, i
> am a paleobiologist, hence , user...
> Just my sad feelings... native plan9 deserves more focus than it gets,
> imho... i would hate to see plan9 as a plugin for Mozilla 20.0
> Sincerely, Peter, aka
> ++pac
> a proud user of plan9 since 2001...

What the hell? They're not saying, "Screw running on hardware, let's
just boot the whole system in Javascript under a browser", they want
to let you connect to your Plan 9 system from a web browser, because
you can find a Javascript-supporting web browser anywhere (except Plan
9) these days.

As fgb would say, relax. No "Bell Labs people" have even commented on
this thread, and if anybody wants to implement this, it's their own
damn business. Writing a drawterm replacement in Javascript is not
going to "downgrade" Plan 9. In fact, it would be rather useful--now
when you're away from home, you can use somebody else's computer to
connect to your CPU server and read your mail, for example.


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