On Tue, 7 Jun 2011 02:57:28 +0000
Josh Marshall <joshua.r.marshall.1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Also, I'd like to do something interesting with my free time.

I guess you'll be writing a compiler and assembler for the GPU and.. not too 
much else, probably. Using the GPU as a proc gives you a NUMA architecture if 
I'm not wrong, and the just-released nix[1] system is a development of Plan 9 
for NUMA systems, with some interesting additions such as the ability to 
dedicate a core to an application. Best read the paper[2], I only scanned 
enough to determine if it was worth remembering. ;)

[1]: https://bitbucket.org/npe/nix
[2]: https://bitbucket.org/npe/nix/src/c1ba3d50a74a/doc/papers/nix/nix.pdf

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