dexen deVries wrote:
On Wednesday 15 of June 2011 18:23:56 David Leimbach wrote:

I'm getting tired of the level of groupthink. Yesterday it was about Anthropogenetic Global Warming^W^W^W Anthropogenic Climate Change (with a comment stating pretty much ``whether the themperatures go up or down it will be /obviously/ our fault anyway''); today it's mouse vs. keyboard. The argument? ``it feels faster in my Vim''. Geebuz.

my take on it at

eh, I always figured that if you are proficient at a given interface (you're over the learning curve) the differences here are minimal at best. So what if I gain a few seconds here and there. I'm going to be stuck behind the computer for a few hours anyway...

In the case of plan 9, I love how the textual interfaces it promotes have *everything* in front of you. No bloody expanding menus, or mouse-hover pop-up retardations. So nevermind the speed, it is the consistency and elegance that should matter. For the sake of sanity, not speed.

Would Plan 9 (rio) benefit from a default mapping of magic keystrokes that correspond to certain actions? I think so. But only as a means of saving your ass when your mouse explodes. Even then, grab another pc and drawterm or cpu in.

I will say that some of the cool cording in Plan 9 interfaces will soon find a perfect mate in the capacitive or infrared touchscreens of today and tomorrow (single, double, triple finger taps on the screen, etc...). That is my take anyway.


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