On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Guilherme Lino <guih.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 1:31 PM, simon softnet <ph.soft...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Some people's contribution to this discussion is really null and
>> irritating..
>> They go like "Pfff Apple did this for the customers! oh yeah, and by the
>> way, the keyboard is faster in general"
>> Well, at least apple has indeed made the effort to publish a research!
>> Attracting customers or not, this doesn't mean apple's research is
>> necessarily false.
>> What do you base your arguments on?
> if thats your contribute then your null and irritating
> you just need to read the post and links on this post to understand, that
> this is a non sense.
> once upon the time i also liked to be with one hand on my lap and the other
> playing with mouse, but i took the time to learn something different like
> "KEEP YOUR DAM HANDS ON THE KEYBOARD!", and thats what I'm defending. i
> still have a windows for gaming but my daily routine is on a terminal
> (started with vim, and then arch linux, dwm, urxvt, zsh, vimperator) which
> all i took the time to learn and configure. I'm with just almost with 8
> months of this unix, vim, linux, command line , plain text, shortcuts thing
> and every day i learn something new, a new shortcut that will make me even
> faster, and I'm not going back :D and thats i subscribed this malign list,
> cause i want to go deeper.

dude, you're a gamer of course you like cool ninja keyboard shortcuts, I most of
us just want to edit some text and maybe compile it later.
I particularly don't have the time to learn of those cool shortcuts
that will make my
life easier after I learn them. I'll choose notepad.exe over emacs any day, just
because I don't have to remember a random combination of keys just to save
a damn file.

> (I'm actually joining money together to buy a iMac xD so forget the
> "HATER!!" part)
> now if you ONLY excuse for an argument is talking to me about a research
> made more than 20 years ago with AppleLink editor and MS-DOS word processor,
> making some absurd affirmations like "taking two seconds to chose a
> shortcut" (WTF?) (who were the tested subjects? togs mother?) , requested by
> a company who is desperate to sell computers with a mouse. (ooohh but it was
> a $50 million R&D) then go no further, the mouse is for you
> if you are a person who use the PC to go to the facebook or make a school
> paper work, then the mouse is for you!
> seriously, i don't recommend that to my girlfriend, or to my friend who like
> to edit movies or use blender,
> now if you are in any informatics related business keyboard is the way
> (i even do all my UML diagrams in text mode with plantUML, you should check
> it out, its much more easy to concentrate on the problem rather than the
> diagram appearance)
> quote from there:
> "Command-Key Illusion. Since users do experience the illusion that
> keyboarding is faster, there is market pressure to supply them with
> "shortcuts."—even when using "shortcuts" will actually slow them down. What
> I generally recommend is supplying as many "shortcuts" as demanded by the
> market—the real market, not the programmer in the cubicle next to you. "
> clearly makes no sense, the market (majority of the users that usually buy
> computers) don't even care about shortcuts, 70%(guessing here) computer
> users don't care about shortcuts, maybe 30% don't know whats that, my
> girlfriend don't.. ok.. maybe CTRL-c CTRL-V (but CTRL-x is totally obscure
> to her)
> i should read:
> "As the market don't care about shortcuts, we give you the mouse, so you can
> adapt and learn and start to use easily. so we can sell more
> computers"(note: not fast or efficiency)
> i used Fences on windows with a ton of shortcuts on my desktop, still not
> fast or productive
> my Firefox browser only have 1 bar, the status bar (vimperator extension
> with the config (:set gui=none)), and i bet my browsing is faster than yours
> every time i want to go back, bookmark, go down up.., open a address, do a
> search, i just need to press one or two key,
> no need to be always traveling with the mouse up there
> people are lazy, thats why they prefer the mouse, but if you spend some time
> learning to use command line, vim, emacs, and configuring shortcuts
> everywhere, you wont be able to leave without them.
> I'm not saying mouses sucks and should die! of course i use the mouse to for
> daily tasks which i find more practical(like selecting text), now is the
> mouse faster than the keyboard in a general daily routine? you cant do
> nothing with  the mouse! therefore not faster...
> "mouse is the devils way to keep you from productivity!"
> (just used the mouse to copy a paragraph the rest was all keyboard)
> (to long, did not read? xD)
> (sorry for my English, I'm from Portugal)
> cheers
> --
> Guilherme Lino

Federico G. Benavento

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