On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 4:07 AM, steve jenkin <stevej...@gmail.com> wrote:
> erik quanstrom wrote on 2/10/11 1:37 PM:
>>  it's all block storage.
> Nope.
> In the same way that RAM is finely differentiated with many
> incompatibilities & 'gotchas'.
> It's not "all memory".
> Go away and actually *do* the thing you are suggesting, then tell us how
> you went.
> Get 3-4 macbooks. Preferably a range of machines: old to new.
> Get 8-12 replacement drives, differing ages, capacities and types.

my mac's old hard drive, with os x and all my data, has been through 3
macbook(pro)s without a single os x reinstall.  recently i dd'd it
into an ssd which replaced it with no issue.

i don't recommend this or anything; but i have on a couple of
occasions yanked the drive out of the mac and into a machine with more
storage and dd'd it as a backup (or is it archive?)  i only restored
from these images once, but it worked.

unless the interface is physically incompatible with your machine, i
don't see the problem.


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