On Nov 21, 2011, at 9:14 AM, Anton wrote:

> >  What are the problems with trying to boot it natively?
> As you correctly suggested, my wireless card isn't supported and connecting 
> laptop through the Ethernet cable to my router located in another room is 
> somewhat inconvenient. Also, I'm not sure if my video card (GMA 950 as listed 
> in specs or 945GME as lspci says) works right (uhm, should I try realemu?)
> Of course, I'll be glad if I'm wrong with this incompatibilities.
the graphics card works, I used to have it a 1280x800x32 in a compaq pressario

> > Have you tried Erik Quanstro's 9atom kernel?
> Nope. I'll give it a try. Actually, I've seen 9atom page, but I didn't find 
> any difference in hardware support viable for my notebook. And I didn't 
> understand much on other differences at this moment.

it's not about the hardware support list, it's about the hardware listed 
actually working

so, yes 9atom

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