modify ape/make.

I was just waiting for this :-P

Please do NOT fuck with ape/make. As the paper says, APE has become more of a tool to write conforming ANSI / POSIX code vs. porting the stuff to Plan 9. Please don't take apes' virginity.

If people insist on inflicting gmake upon us, fine. I guess. But please (please?) don't screw the ape: deposit it in /$cputype/bin/gmake instead.

And now that the camel is firmly in the tent, we might as well
create a <foo>/camel hierarchy to parallel <foo>/ape, for all the camel cruft (i.e. /$cputype/camel/make vs. /$cputype/bin/gmake).

Then, people who want to ride camels through the desert can run bsh(1) to obtain a suitably inhospitable environment. (bsh as in baking-hot shell, although bs(1) seems like a reasonable alternative.)

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