On Mon Mar 19 07:49:02 EDT 2012, c.pasc...@me.com wrote:
> Ok, for my understanding there is the difference between a
> reincarnation resource approach on base of a Microkernel and driver in
> user space (in Minix) or an file based distributed resource (in Plan
> 9), right?  So, both ideas I find quite interesting alternative
> concepts, isn't it?

distributed file servers and reincaration are orthagonal concepts.

i'm not sure i understand the concept of reincarnation.  on the one
hand, hardware by its nature can lock your machine up solid and
there's nothing the os can do about it.  so how do you test driver
reincarnation?  where could it crash?  if you knew the answer to that,
you wouldn't need reincatnation.  on the other hand, simple bugs
like dereferncing null i think would be better handled by fixing the
underlying problem.

i wouldn't assume that nearly everyone else has taken a look at the
reincarnation idea.

- erik

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