On 20 March 2012 19:25, Paschke Christoph <> wrote:
> In 3 weeks I need work together with Italians because of a machine control 
> and the optimization system behind.
> It's already difficult to work together and you can imagine English is 
> already a good way communication works.
> Although, in real, it is still difficult to understand the italian english 
> and probably same with me that the italians understand my german english.
> French and Swiss boarders are just some km away ... This multinational mix is 
> a problem in EU.
> And this not only means the language, it also means so much other things. For 
> example, the culture differences and problems with history.
> So, I remember some years ago, I had to work together with polish people at a 
> project. I speak russian and therefore I starting to speak with them russian 
> what they can understand very well. They told me: What you speak russian to 
> us, we not living in soviet union anymore. And I answered: You can speak 
> German? NO! What you expect me to speak english, we not living in USA the 
> same. And such is ONLY an example of the intercultural problems because for 
> example the polish people living historically between the hate to russians 
> and the hate to the germans. And if you need work together such way, can be 
> very exhausting and many projects fails.
> But this is ONLY another example. It becomes also with knowledge very 
> confusing. So, you cannot expect to have one standard to work on. One do such 
> way, other do other way. One knows this way, other knows other way. EU is 
> like the babel tower. And I think that other QUITE homogenous nations like 
> USA cannot understand that chaos.
> If you buy all you need from your own's company's nation like in former times 
> this is no problem.
> But if nations working together in such "small scale" as it becomes now more 
> and more reality, it is difficult in many cases.
> And in this way, I already get the feeling that the EU-project behind the 
> Mini-X is a trial to a machine-control-fundamental that can be quite unique 
> over Europe once a day.
> How much this is real, how much this will be, who knows? Maybe if Mini-X 
> evolves, the governmental offers of EU will dictate Mini-X as the standard 
> that need be fulfilled. I think in US it was similar procedure with Ada 
> programing language and military hardware etc.
> I can imagine this is the background of the Mini-X project. Why not Linux? 
> Probably because it is already to much chaos and you cannot come back to the 
> fundamentals anymore that you can expect each nation in EU to get learned, 
> understood ... Coming back to a structured base that also is planed to get 
> teached in schools is maybe the way to solve this problem.
> But what I speak about Mini-X so much in Plan 9 forum? I got lost a little 
> bit in thoughts about it because of the GSoC and EU support for it. So, in 
> real we speak about Plan 9 here, I know! Therefore last part from me about 
> that comparative issue. Nobody knows how things will come. If people would 
> know, probably Plan 9 would be the follower of Unix, but it didn't come that 
> way!
> Am 20.03.2012 um 00:24 schrieb Bruce Ellis:
>> Even Shaney is having trouble with these fish of the trees, tho he
>> would like to borrow "Most cases EU does central shit".
>> brucee
>> On 20 March 2012 10:07, Charles Forsyth <> wrote:
>>> On 19 March 2012 22:22, andrey mirtchovski <> wrote:
>>>> damn electric sockets! *shakes fist of impotent rage*
>> --
>> Don't meddle in the mouth -- MVS (0416935147, +1-513-3BRUCEE)

Don't meddle in the mouth -- MVS (0416935147, +1-513-3BRUCEE)

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