> @erik, @cinap:
> 9front and 9atom booted properly. 9atom live-boot option didn't work,
> but installation proceeded to [mountdist]. At that point I couldn't
> figure out a way to point it correctly to the distribution, my linux
> partition, though suggested, wouldn't mount. I had a plan9.iso there.
> Before that at [partdisk] I manually specified a 3GB partition in some
> raw free space I had. So I aborted, and then on I cannot boot into
> Linux (I had backed up, so no worries). Why should the existing linux
> boot partition get spoiled? Booting in with a rescue CD (Ubuntu Rescue
> Remix), I can 'fdisk -l' all the partitions as they were. The NTFS
> partition (I have Windows installed), and other ext3 partitions can be
> mounted and navigated except for the boot partition (where root was
> mounted).

the fact that the live-boot doesn't work is sort of well-known.
sorry about that.

i don't know why your mbr is getting wacked.  that's antisocial.
i never dual-boot myself.
i'll try to look at it this weekend.  it's probablly as thiery points out
that we're trying to overlay some chs crap onto a massive sata drive.

can you send me the output of cat /dev/sd*/ctl when you get a chance?
also, could you send me a fdisk summary of what the partition table
looks like?  a raw dump of the first 16 sectors of the drive would be
even better.

- erik

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