On Wed, 30 May 2012 16:20:47 BST Richard Miller <9f...@hamnavoe.com>  wrote:
> > it isn't a false cognate to some action, since the behavior is not obvi=
> ous a priori (in the "normal" case of xeroxing or cloning, there's no exp=
> ectation that the copies stay in sync, as they do here).

It just opens another window on the same file that starts out
showing the same content so none of the names make sense.  
Seems no one has come up with a good name for this function --
in nvi it is :E and in vim, :split.  I'd leave it alone.

I used to use Dave Yost's "Grand" editor (a version of the
Rand editor) that allowed scolling windows in X or Y direction
in lockstep. Handy for editing tables. You can show the header
line or the left most column while editing other rows or
columns that would normally not show on the same screen in a
single window.

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