On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 7:11 PM, dexen deVries <dexen.devr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thursday 30 of August 2012 15:35:47 Dan Cross wrote:
>> (...)
>> Your example of running multiple 'grep's in parallel sort of reminded
>> me of this, though it occurs to me that this can probably be done with
>> a command: a sort of 'parallel apply' thing that can run a command
>> multiple times concurrently, each invocation on a range of the
>> arguments.  But making it simple and elegant is likely to be tricky.
> now that i think of it...
> mk creates DAG of dependences and then reduces it by calling commands, going
> in parallel where applicable.
> erik's example with grep x *.[ch] boils down to two cases:
>  - for single use, do it simple & slow way -- just run single grep process for
> all files
>  - but when you expect to traverse those files often, prepare a mkfile
> (preferably in a semi-automatic way) which will perform search in parallel.
> caveat: output of one grep instance could end up in the midst of a /line/ of
> output of another grep instance.

The thing is that mk doesn't really do anything to set up connections
between the commands it runs.

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