On Tue Mar 26 03:28:07 EDT 2013, aris...@ar.aichi-u.ac.jp wrote:
> Hello erik,
> look free block list in superblocks, and observe their changes.
> then you will find some of these free blocks are consumed for new file 
> contents.
> if not, your system and mine is different.

i have seen the superblock[n-1] gets modified as superblock[n] gets
written, but superblock[n-1] stays in the cache.  i assumed this was
because the new superblock was deleted from the free list, but didn't
look into it.  "recover main" drops this info.

this is a slight annoyance, but not a bug.  if new files are put below
waddr, that's a bug.

i use ken's file server, not cwfs.

- erik

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