2013/3/25 <s...@9front.org>

> > And how do you manage to browser the web?
> 9front did some work on mothra. For trivial javascript
> I try charon (which was sufficient to configure my wifi
> router). As a last resort I VNC to another operating
> system.
> For the vast majority of what I do, mothra is sufficient.
> -sl
Yes. This. I run my terminals in qemu/kvm on linux, My servers on real
hardware. Or "in the cloud" (thanks Kurt).  And i switch back to linux
for mplayer and to watch youtube videos (and for some  other websites)
but i really like mothra. It's so pure. You just gotta love it. The 9front
guys did a really good job with it. I even use Plan 9 at my workspace. I
just ftpfs everything and massage my namespace anyway i want. And give the
occasional $MAKE command through ssh. It's so noiseless. Of course there
is room for improvement. But I can't complain I have all the tools ☺

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